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    The procedure for repair of apartment

    The procedure for repair of apartment When making repairs the question arises where to start?

    First of all, in the new apartment should live a little. This is so that you will know more clearly what and where of the furniture should be, and what you need to do to achieve comfort. Do not forget about the fact that the apartment is such a thing as a vacuum cleaner, a sewing machine, jars of jam, all this must be stored somewhere (here it is necessary to remember all oversized items) and, therefore, for them to do, or buy-in wardrobes.
    For starters try to imagine how it will look layout of the apartment.
    Let's measure the size of each room, and then, take a sheet of paper in the box and draw a room to scale (the view from the top) with the doors and windows. Next We measure furniture and also to draw the scale on another sheet of paper. They write the words: wardrobe, bed, table, etc. All this is cut with scissors, and put on the image to the size of the room.
    Not spending physical effort, « we arrange » Furniture conditional on a sheet of paper.
    (This can be done on kampyutore, but you need a good program, and it is still necessary to understand).
    Moving the furniture on a sheet of paper, we more clearly represents the future of the room. Do not forget about the width of passageways to the doors, do not leave them too narrow.
    Next you should decide the design. It already belongs to the taste of each owner, and then decide what you want to do and in what amount to meet. Based on this, you can look in the stores right materials.

    Where to start?  
    You should begin with the dirtiest work, and think order of their performance so that it was not necessary to carry them out again.

    These works will include: leveling concrete floors, replacement and eyeliner new wiring, installation of hidden sockets, alignment walls, replacement of heating equipment, installation of doors and windows, as well as all work which needed something to peck or cover up with a solution.

    1. You can start with electricians. Determine where you want to install additional outlets, and make them eyeliner under the wire, but the outlet has not yet set and not connected to the shield. In the kitchen, it is desirable to install more outlets (TV, receiver, kuhany kombain, microwave oven, refrigerator, gas cooker, washing machine ...). (Washing machine connects to a three-conductor wire). All this wiring must be conducted with a thicker wire, depending on the load and connect an additional wire to the electrical box. In the corridor also necessary to provide sockets for telephone, vacuum cleaner ... and miss antenna cable (you can set crab) to the right place.

    2. If you change the radiators, you should think about where else will have to apply welding to never return to this issue. Here, at this stage, you will encounter gouging walls, dust and debris.

    3. After that you can start leveling walls and floors. Places docking panel walls desirable to pierce a screwdriver to tap and, for the presence of voids. If any find, make sure you patched. This will improve the sound insulation and retain heat in the house.

    The angle of the floor and walls should try to align well. This will determine the fit of a plinth, or will be guaranteed slots. Once the walls are aligned, you can do the installation of sockets and switches.

    4. Then we proceed to the replacement of doors and windows podokonikov. When are aligned walls and floors, doors can be set more accurately, whereas for uneven floors can make a mistake with the size of the floor to the bottom of the door.

    5. plank floors, tsiklyuem and varnished.

    6. Sticking wallpaper. When wallpapering to turn off the shield on the landing light, we remove from the sockets and switches cover. Cut the wallpaper under sockets and switches, and then fasten the lid and turn on the light. To be sure that there is no tension in the socket switch in it, for example, the transistor radio. On top of the ceiling can hold a pencil line striper, on which will be pasted wallpaper. All the whitewash below the line to wash off, otherwise this wallpaper site will be left behind. Remember that if the wall were a fair copy (the glue spots or lime paint), be sure to clean off them because to painted places wallpaper does not stick.

    7. Fasten moldings and trim, thus closing the ends of the wallpaper. Skirting prisverlivaem and screwed to the wall with screws. His first need to adjust, then turn away, cover the stain and varnish, and already then screwed. If the cover in place, you can stain the wallpaper. Under Baseboard can skip the antenna and telephone cables.

    8. Then drilled holes and hung shelves, ledges, etc.

    Bathroom and toilet, should be the very first thing to do. Set plumbing and replace or alter plumbing. Tile on the walls can be laid only after the welding. Otherwise, even the smallest spark burn through a tile from the top layer, and the tiles will be damaged.

    Balcony or loggia can be done as a last resort, because there, you can store the remains of materials, and establish bench and vice. All of this will be needed in the final series of papers.

    If the time of repair you live in this apartment , you should start with the most the back room, slowly moving toward the kitchen.

    Here we give a look at the sequence of work, but the choice is yours.

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