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    Mold in the apartment and its causes

    The concept of " comfortable housing " It is made up of many factors. Everyone understands that the value of the apartment (house) is largely dependent on the location, water and air quality, radiation, proximity to industrial enterprises. This objective factors. As for the internal arrangement, the owners of the house are on a lot of repair costs tend to do everything in their power to housing was comfortable and beautiful. It would seem, live and be happy. Alas, alas! Time passes, and please: crumbling ceiling and a wet spot in the wall, loose wallpaper, warped baseboards. The joy of a new repair is replaced by disappointment. Housing becomes uncomfortable. Sometimes without even realizing that we create in the home area of ​​environmental risk and harm your health.

    Possible cause mold - a high level of humidity.

    The most common trouble - mold in the apartment . What it is? One important part of comfort - the humidity level apartment (norm - 60-70%). When poorly ventilated room, in the rooms, especially in the corners, behind furniture, near a heating duct suddenly swells paint and plaster begins to crumble. From under the delaminated wallpaper traces of white and black mold. This fungal. Usually at the beginning they did not attach much importance. Their brushes, paint or glue, and this is usually limited to the repair. After some time, the stain would inevitably reappear, and sooner or later the owners are recognized in their own powerlessness, a halt unsightly places paintings or carpet. But it remains important - a health hazard. Scientists have long known that mold spores cause allergies, chronic respiratory diseases and even cancer.
    It explained by the failure of the fact that we are not fighting with the cause but the consequence. For example, there is a perception that the lime can attack copper or iron sulfate. This is mistake. Mould apartment can be   very diverse: one that kills, it nourishes and stimulates the growth of others. Therefore it is best to consult with experts who will determine the type of fungus and give recommendations for their elimination. After that, the area of ​​its habitat disinfected particular drug. 
    But   even if we have exhausted fungus apartment , the true cause of its occurrence can not be considered eliminated. It can be covered in broken ventilation system in the bathroom, closed boxes ducts. Outrage and SNIP, as a rule, take place at the illegal alterations to the apartment is not agreed with the experts. Such innovations involve violations of the temperature and humidity conditions and, as a consequence, condensation and fungus.

    Possible   cause of mold - leaking joints of the building.

    The other most common type occurring leakage - due to leakage of contiguity balcony slab to the wall. In these cases, black mold appears on the ceiling in the living room, above which is a balcony (balcony, canopy or other façade design) of your a neighbor who lives on the floor above. Butt joints protruding from the front wall of the building constructions builders usually compacted cement-sand mortar, that the seasonal variations in temperature rapidly destroyed by opening the water downstream access to the ceiling of the apartment. In this case it is necessary to persuade the owner of the balcony, which And this leakage do not care to provide to perform sealing. The process itself is as follows: boaster (or a chisel) and hammer cleared area contiguity balcony slab to the wall, and then sealed with polyurethane foam type " Makrofleks " or seal " vilaterm ", and then sealed with mastic thiokol. More detailed guidance is available from the " Guidelines for technology repair balconies, canopies and other protruding structures of buildings facade polymeric materials approved Goszhilinspektsiey ". They are described in detail all possible defects and ways to prevent and repair.
    Perhaps the most widespread misery - leaks from the upper neighbors. If you have filled in your apartment, you are in compliance with Article 1064 of the Civil Code the right to demand full compensation from neighbors caused damage. To do this it will be necessary to prove, first, the presence of a leak in your apartment, and secondly, what is the source of a leak is located in an apartment above and, thirdly, to justify the size of the damage. But the decision on compensation made by the court, and it is known to be a protracted affair. Simply after examination leakage technician, caretaker and preparation of the report, a copy of which shall be delivered to the victim, or to persuade a neighbor to replace the antiquated plumbing equipment or repair waterproofing the floor in the bathroom or in the kitchen.
    Mushrooms are also settled in the area leaky interpanel (interconnect) joints of prefabricated buildings. This is the main problem of panel construction, more residents of panel houses. While the house is new, the problem seems to be not. But after a couple of years begins & hellip; Sealant in the butt joints of the closed type (sealant visible from the street) often peels off due to poor quality of training abutting surfaces - poor cleaning and degreasing. Delamination occurs after repeated repair, if not cleaned off old sealant and its overall thickness is significantly greater than the expected (2.5 mm). Especially many troubles deliver tenants open joints in which the seal is inside and the outside - a cavity in which the metal is visible of baffle tape. It is a time bomb. Often the tightness of joints can not be guaranteed by mounting the building and the repair of their inevitably turn into closed joints with surface sealing. In this cavity formed accumulates moisture. The apartment is at the junction after the winter there is mold and odor. Therefore, after the construction of the open cavity of joint rational immediately in front of baffle seal the tape coated with polyurethane foam with sun mastic based thiokols. This technology is described in the " Guidelines for technology repair open joints prefabrication of buildings with foam HSPE-coated ", also approved Goszhilinspektsiey. By the way, should remind all who are glazed balconies and loggias her, that all kinds of sealing polyurethane foams are very afraid of the sun, they definitely need to paint flexible sun visor.
    It happens that tenants who have lost hope for the repair by the operational organizations themselves employ shabashniks, climbers, who repair the joints in the area of ​​their apartments. Usually, this does not work, since it is necessary to repair the joints is not less than three flats at the top and one on the left and right. It's expensive.
    The cracks and caverns in the external walls can also trigger the appearance of black mold and fungi. They are obliged to repair the housing organizations. Cracks carefully clearing to a depth of at least 5 cm and sealed with a special solution.
    Leaks attic can also cause trouble. In homes with so-called warm attic, oddly enough, too often there is black mold on the ceilings in the apartments of the upper floors. What happens is when the warm attic only theoretically is such a really windy. To normalize the temperature and humidity in this case, you must ensure the integrity of the attic.
    In all these cases, consult a professional.
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