Repair of buildings / | How to equip a balcony and a loggia |
“ Balcony – protruding from the wall of a building site with a handrail, bars ”
“ Loggia – open gallery, adjacent to the building. Or sort of a balcony, in-depth to the building ”
Stay behind the debilitating heat and humidity. They were replaced by a saving cool. It would be desirable " at will, in the Pampas "! But, alas, not everyone has the country cottage, cottage, or, at worst, " hacienda " six hundred. Yes, and not every cottager may live long in the country, especially if every day to go to work, and the next vacation is not expected before the winter.
But, really because of this, we deprive ourselves of the joy to sit quiet warm evening in the open air in a pleasant atmosphere, a drink with friends, " three glasses of tea " outdoors? Do not be upset, leafing through a foreign glossy magazines with pictures of huge terraces, because at least you can sit comfortably on the balcony of his very ordinary. To increase the comfort and functionality of a small open space is not too hard to do it is only conversion into a cozy old living room with the help of a comfortable and beautiful furniture.
But first it must get rid of trash, which is kept here sometimes for years. Rarely anyone on the balcony did not come across to some rickety chair, cot rusty, old skis, all kinds of plank-reechki left on the case « maybe useful ». Well here they settled, entered in the local flavor, so to speak. And this is how we proceed: declare these little things " persona non grata ", give them 24 hours to pack and reflection, and then expelled " out of the country ". And think about the new situation.
Important in the furniture – compact
Furniture for balcony special needs, such as the villa. Its distinctive features – functionality, transformable, compactness. To make room for it, the owner of a very small balcony, it makes sense to make the boxes with flowers on the sides, as if mounting a strong, you can hang flower boxes from the outside.
You can buy the metal, forged or cast – and it is stylish and practical. Amazingly beautiful set of cast-iron furniture handmade definitely fit into any interior balcony.
Very good, " in a dacha " It looks out on the balcony wicker furniture. Balcony though small, but becomes incredibly comfortable: for example, if an elegant table with round table top rests against the balcony lattice, and next to it take place for two wicker chairs.
Even one such luxury seat, right in the neighborhood of flowers, is able to transform all kind of balcony. However, with an open balcony each time in case of rain it will have to enter the house.
And why not put on the balcony lounger, wooden sofa or chaise longue? Unless, of course, plenty of space. Take air baths are very useful for health. A closed from the sun and prying eyes will help you a huge umbrella. Another way: Attach to the wall above the balcony bamboo or wooden rod, which pushes the curtain usually wear.
No worse than it looks, and furniture made of wood, and in the store, it is inexpensive. Cloth seats removable only add comfort. Wooden flooring can be done, replacing the carpet floor.
Gather, Gather
For small balconies suitable practical folding furniture. Before watering flowers it can be folded and spread out to relax. Chairs with table folded, you can even move to the side, and instead expand the chaise longue. Balcony will be elegant and comfortable, if to bring cushions for the seat and bright tablecloth.
Small table folded no one interferes. But if you want to at any time of the year it is possible to build a beautiful still life, even in autumn and winter. In the summer, he is simply irreplaceable for relaxing, reading or needlework. Dangle a table just for the two hooks on the wall.
You can strengthen the balcony table on two metal brackets, which are mounted on a balcony railing. You can also recommend a folding table, which is convenient to put a cup of tea, put a book or put flowers.
Often used is another option if folding headset and allows you to have breakfast and dinner in the open air, before and after meals here can be expanded deck chair and soak up the sun, or just relax with an interesting newspaper or magazine.
What a balcony without flowers?
Let us not forget that in addition to us on the balcony and may be even some of its legitimate inhabitants – flowering plants. Successfully matched for their furniture is able to give additional charm of our " summer living ".
Wooden ladder-a ladder can easily shelter a lot of houseplants, which is useful in the summer to soak up the warm rays of the sun. And as soon as the warm season, the ladder will have just folded and put away where it can not hurt anybody.
A simple shelf of sheet metal parts and the wooden boards can be to hang a wall of the house at any height. It will withstand even considerable weight, and plants that you put on it, decorate an empty wall space. Next to the pot plants can be put decorative accessories made of ceramic or metal.
Wall shelves for delicate plants will serve you for decades. The metal is easy to paint in the desired color, and top coat varnish. These shelves can be left in the open air in the winter and decorate their arrangements of the branches of conifers and hardy accessories.
To demonstrate the potted plants in all their glory is also suitable shelves. On a hill blossoms every plant is guaranteed enough sun and colors, and they take up much less space than a table or on the floor.
On high bar table with a very compact easily secured several containers with plants. This is ideal for small balconies and terraces, and if you want you can put the building on the kitchen or the living room, decorated in a modern style. Success here will fit all shiny galvanized steel container.
Great balcony obtained directly present a summer garden! Here you can observe the surrounding panorama, to take guests to read, to dream, to sip a cold or even " firewater " beverages. You can even sing: " I'm lying in the sun, I stare at the sun " & hellip; It may seem strange, but the rules of etiquette are observed in the design of any room. That is why they require stylistic conformity on the balcony, even at the tiniest. Let all in harmony: furniture, plants, pots and containers, braid railing. There are even methods of decoration and accessories designed specifically for decoration of balconies and terraces, which are fluent professionals.
" Blitzkrieg " Entrust docks
For those who are not available in the balcony or balconies and wide and spacious balcony, suitable alternatives. If the apartment is not much space as we would like (option – one or two rooms), experts suggest not to go on the way described above, and hold " annexation ", that is to join the loggia to the total living space.
The idea to join the loggia arises from the owners of the apartments, where every meter counts and where just need to use any opportunities to increase living space. In such malogabaritki not always possible to get rid of excess of partitions of the fact that they usually carry. And then the only possibility to increase the space becomes union loggias and residential premises.
Unlike simple glazing, which can make yourself or with the help of firms that specialize in this, joining the loggia – the process is quite complicated and requires treatment in a serious repair and construction company.
By the way, these companies help to formalize and legal issues. The fact that such alterations require the consent of the district PIBov (design and inventory bureau). As a rule, the customer is no time for approval and to the same well-executed project able to make only a professional designer.
Breaking and building
If you decide to take this step, the operation should start with the fence, which can be made of brick or reinforced concrete slabs. Most often under the fence there is space for a drain. So, before you insulate a loggia, you need to close all slot at the bottom and the sides if necessary, for example, laying their bricks.
The next phase of work – installation of window units. For the glazing of loggias in the redevelopment of this kind are most often used hollow profile of rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride) with thin walls. This profile is wear-resistant, it is difficult to ignite, it does not carry electric current, and retains heat well and provides adequate mechanical strength. For this profile wall is not made thinner than 3 millimeters, and is placed inside a steel galvanized amplifier thickness of 1.5 mm, 2 mm or 3 mm. In the market, you can find a variety of systems such profiles, mainly of German production.
A universal system of window and door PVC profiles allows you to collect a large amount of various kinds of designs, not only in the catalog of the company, but also invented you. You can choose the width of the frame, the number of wings and opening the way each of them, the number of " blind " parts, the type of glass (single chamber or double chamber). The most commonly used two-chamber (three glasses), which significantly improves the thermal and sound insulation premises.
Only after completion of the work related to the exterior wall, you can begin to dismantle the windows, balcony doors and expand the resulting gap. The greatest difficulties usually arise when addressing the third task, since it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. The majority of panel houses the exterior walls are made of hinged reinforced concrete panels. They can only cut part of the window sills, and then only on condition that the work will not be damaged valves. The outer wall of brick houses can be a carrier and self-supporting. In the first option, you can remove only a portion of the wall under the window of the former, in the second it is possible to expand the opening by the side of walls.
Thermal insulation and finishing
Maximum precision and accuracy required next phase of work – insulation. First mounted frame (wooden or metal), then fit vapor barrier (polyethylene, foil), then the insulation and waterproofing (plastic, roofing felt, mastic). In contrast to the walls and ceiling, which can be applied lightweight insulation (mineral wool), it is necessary to insulate the floor hard heater (eg, Formglas or Stirodur). Use for insulation foam is prohibited, as is the fire-dangerous material and, moreover, it allocates the combustion of toxic substances.
Finishing materials resulting space are selected on the basis of the fact whether you want to see it visually combined with a room or not. As a rule, the surface of the side walls and the ceiling are sheathed with plasterboard, which can be painted, wallpaper paste over oblitsevat or wooden panels. For the flooring and fit parquet, and ceramic tile, and carpeting. It is best to install in the loggia of the former " hot " floor, it will replace all the essential heaters.
Conquer the space
Functional use of the resulting space can be varied. For example, from the loggia attached you can get a comfortable bedroom. Before redevelopment home, love to receive visitors, had to combine in one area features private rooms and a living room that did not suit them at all. In order to make the bedroom, they decided to join the loggia to the kitchen area.
The result was a kind of alcove bed together and convenient shelf for personal items. But they did not stop, and take away from the kitchen of the area staged a dressing room next to the bedroom, separated by sliding doors. In order to separate the personal from the kitchen area they erected barrier. On the advice of designers and remodeling touched the other rooms: the rest of the kitchen area was combined with the bathroom.
On the resulting square was a place for the household area, dining room with a bar band and leisure. As a result, once a small apartment magically turned into a more spacious, an increase of one room. Such projects are not common, but they are very bright characterize potential design opportunities.
The benefits of zoning forced
A more common option when loggia creates additional space and fits into an existing room, increasing it. For instance, by joining the loggia you can get a dining area in the living room. Previous kitchen could not accommodate a large table, and its presence in the private room was too uncomfortable. After the redevelopment for the dinner table, put on the podium, there was a convenient place near a large window.
In each case the loggia space can be used in different ways, depending on how close to the room she is located. Most often, a neighbor loggia is a bedroom, combining that you can get a beautiful boudoir or a cozy place for a romantic conversation tete-a-tete.
Busy people can arrange a room in the new territory, cut off in such a way from the room by sliding panels or just curtains. Library, dressing room, Fitness – all this if you want you can create on the area of the former lodge. If you have a balcony adjacent to the kitchen, you can create a space for the bar, mini-dining room or use it as a small seating area, where beautiful harvested window you can watch the sunset or to organize gatherings with friends over a glass of wine.
If to talk about the disadvantages of such connections, the more likely they are constructive and drop the floor level, a portal to that of the projections of the old wall and the lintel above the old window. But they are easily converted into the pros, is only skillfully beat is stimulated zoning. Beautiful curtains, columns, bars, stages are ideal for this. Central to such redevelopment is the fact that as a result of a loggia can become an integral part of the overall living space.