Repair of buildings / | Do not rush to do renovation |
![]() Several of my friends families in the past two years have changed the apartment. And what do you think made the first step? The mistake made by a firm, rapidly promote their products, very many. Paper wall replaced washable, wooden frames — plastic, milky white, the ceilings have appeared fanciful to construction of prefabricated plastic plates and sections of & hellip; In general, all natural, natural sent to the trash, gluing, hanging and putting in its place throughout the home products of chemical laboratory and plants. - So convenient and modern - are happy housewife - and clean up much easier. Do not hurry. This is the « modernity » with the apparent practicality yet, sorry, come out sideways. We, like our foreign colleagues, not once have done together with scientists and chemists are complex, and case studies of influence and so-equipped homes to health, in particular, and women. Modern plastic materials do not become safer. On the contrary, the increasing complexity of their composition and technology current production plastic becomes poisonous and poisonous. From the first day of his life any plastic product begins to « », breathing processes contribute to the destruction of the internal release into the environment a whole bunch of toxins. This, of course, not the dose you can feel immediately, but in any case, the body begins to react to them, gradually accumulating in the internal organs of some of these compounds. Together, with our polluted atmosphere, bad water, the smallest particles of industrial emissions (most do not remain in the atmosphere and falls to the ground and by virtue of its size gets in any slot), all this directly encourages the development of cancer. The simplest example. You spray, for example, mosquito repellent and household insects. It is in itself a little joy in terms of impact on your body. Plus, the carrier gas used carbon fluoride. « What it there », — otmahnetsya different hostess. But scientists around the world in the meantime just cry cry. Fluoride carbon from krasivenkoy pshikat package destroys the protective ozone layer: the whole planet is at a stronger UV radiation. Count Now, dear mistress, how many times a day you press a different spray heads: hair spray, deodorant, aromatic sprayer for the toilet & hellip; I assure you, along with chemical equipment and design your apartment it gives a considerable charge of carcinogens. Companies — manufacturers of aerosols, exposing them to the green rounded arrow indicating the ecological purity of products. Some housewives like some obscure dwelling, using available now available in unlimited quantities blinds, curtains, screens. So, they say, more comfortable than the direct sunlight. And the wallpaper on the walls — gloomy, « under the Victorian », tones. Do not be surprised constant headaches and weakness in the morning. Gloomy house with depressing painting walls, furniture, floors, has a permanent effect on psyche, causes depression and preddepressivnye state. This way of life — and it is already established science with immutable proof — not only undermines psyche, which in itself, as you know, leads to many diseases, cardiovascular system in the first place. One of the most frustrating and difficult to nervous disorders is diagnosed catatonia — a mental illness in which the person seeks to dissociate itself completely from any external contacts. He is always gloomy, taciturn, often does not show initiative in anything. Accordingly, fenced off from surrounding him. As a result — Again, new sores. In particular, we investigate the possible relationship of catatonia, with the same cancer. Open the heavy blinds and curtains, throws open the window more often early in the morning: the air at that time had not yet fed with the exhaust and emissions. Replace all possible to natural chemistry materials, and all the major dark areas of design — light to the eye, not irritating psyche. Remember my words then. Firmly promise that sense of mental ease, inner peace will not leave you even in the elderly years. |