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    Stylish chair: Development Trends

    FURNITURE aristocracy ARMCHAIR
    In the explanatory dictionary Dahl « chair » defined as the « spacious, chair rails, armrests ». This word has a Slavonic roots: so once called a sledge or cart-body, which is mounted on a wood-sledge. It has long been believed chair comfortable furniture « good old chair, and the cradle of small » — so said our ancestors.
    The chair as seating comes from a chair with armrests and high back — throne. The first known in the history of the throne was made in Egypt for Pharaoh Tutankhamen. In addition, like all the furniture of the time, Pharaoh had a seat for the legs of carved wood and ivory in the form of lions' paws. The back of the throne was decorated with gold overlay depicting a winged god of the sun, and the armrests in the form of walking lions decorated with inlay. But in spite of such beauty, chair throne was tough and by our standards very uncomfortable.
    Like the Egyptians, the ascetic life of the Greeks arranged in a hard wooden chair, which is comfort-loving Romans sought to cover the fur or cloth. So there is a prototype of the modern armchair. But in medieval Europe barbaric way of life it was very simple, even castles-fortresses were the foundation of the interior chests, at best, covered with animal skins. Only in the Gothic period, there are wooden chairs with high backrest and narrow armrests. But they were too stiff and heavy. Only the Dutch navigators, upholstered seat leather, making it softer.
    But the most comfortable chair did, of course, trendsetters and lovers of luxury — French people. Furnished his palaces, the French nobility and beauty care in addition to the convenience Furniture: upholstery chairs steel underlay fluff. Very interior has been made of velvet, silk tapestry. But still sometimes stayed back and carved wood.
    It is not known who first had the idea to upholster a chair with fur, but, of course, the author had knowledge of human nature: who would not want to have around the house tame « animal »: leopard or zebra, fluffy fur and bright colors which will be a real decoration of the situation .

    Modern furniture representative fauna, upholstered in velvet, with an artificially aged wood details now in vogue. Its appearance resembles the silhouette of the furniture of the modern era: thin legs, bent lines, unusual shapes.

    In place of the Art Nouveau style of the last century comes constructivism. Marcel Breuer patented in 1928, one of the first chairs with a metal pipe as the basis of design. Since then, the model has become a design classic and still very popular among lovers of minimalism and high-tech. A modern designers offer a seat as style elements in the atmosphere of country wooden houses. This combination of log walls and chrome furniture looks harmonious and fresh.
    Wicker furniture came into vogue in the period of colonial power Britain. Then her subjects drove home wicker furniture sets and set them on the terraces in the English countryside mansion. But in the middle of the last century, this has removed the furniture inside the houses. Fragile in appearance, durable in fact, these chairs are very practical. Their « Rakushechnaya » shape and thin high legs — craze in the « lightweight » Sixties furniture.

    The idea like designers and furniture began to spin out of anything: leather strips, colored plastic verevok- « spaghetti » and even of openwork metal flowers.
    In the second half of the century was the furniture « grow heavy » and fall lower and lower. Deep and armchairs on wheels are very convenient: they could fall apart or get to his feet, covered with a blanket, watching TV. There appears chairs « Clothing » — convenient removable covers and furniture again, as once in the homes of aristocrats, became light, but now it is much easier to keep clean.

    The end of the last century was marked by the fashion for leather upholstery. And volume, as if inflated self-importance of the chair, began to resemble the herd of buffalo grazing on carpets: the same monumental forms and deep, soft folds of leather hides. But fashion is fickle, and the design has been relieved and the skin combined with fur, or wipe it.
    But the standard of quality leather furniture, as well as two centuries ago, continues to serve as English leather furniture, and a symbol of respectability — style furniture « Chesterfield ». The finished parts mahogany furniture has a distinctive upholstery: leather like quilted leather as nails hat.
    Impact of the cultures of China and Japan affected by the appearance of low furniture. After all, following the oriental philosophy, people draw energy and strength from its source — ground. This unusual form of a wicker chair with a footrest can be sitting on the ground almost completely relax and unwind after a busy bustle of the day.

    At the turn of the new millennium in vogue once again it became a classic. But having experienced the influence of minimalism, classical style became more concise and at the same time acquired new features inspired by time. His strict and symmetrical forms ennoble interior. Natural precious wood, calm bright color, elegant, but not pretentious, furniture, decor which takes its origins in the ancient past, while agreeing with the aesthetics of the day.
    So, all of the styles and designs of chairs, in different eras is catching on, it does not disappear, but rather remain in the interiors of today. Fans of historical styles to recreate in your home all the details of the interiors of old and new fans, making the situation in the newest design projects.

    So one of the modern trends in the development of upholstered furniture is to improve the way that facilitates the achievement of complete relaxation and tranquility. These chairs can be an effective tool in the fight against stress and physical overload. Frameworks such wheelchairs lezhanok easily bent in different directions and are ready to repeat any position of your body.

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