Furniture and interior / | Products from crystal in the interior |
The time has passed when crystalware were more than objects of everyday life, and " windows ", filled with them - an essential attribute of any apartment. While the number and variety of crystal in the house testified to the social status of the owners. Period " developed socialism, " gone down in history, and it was found that crystal thing - it's just a very nice dishes, making any meal gala event. Lamps and chandeliers of crystal no longer show around communication and wealth of the owner, and decorated sitting rooms with sparkling play of light.
The word " crystal " It has Greek roots. Word " crystal " Greeks called quartz without impurities, for perfect transparency, including its frozen ice. Because these crystals made lens through which fueled the fire, church utensils, printing and ceremonial bowls. Known even a case where the Peter I produced a samovar from a huge piece of rock crystal - so came to be called transparent, without foreign inclusions quartz. And the first manufactory, producing crystal articles appeared in our country in the XIII century in the town of Gus Crystal.
The idea of creating a crystal glass belongs to the British: they are first to improve the quality of glass add the oxides of lead, after which it has acquired an unusual " voice ", transparency and brilliance faces. Miscellaneous percentage of lead oxide gives crystal glass distinctive features, but the quality is considered crystal, having in its composition oxide at least 24%, which makes the material completely transparent.
Then manufacturing technology of silicon crystal was sand include adding, besides lead oxide, also boric acid, arsenic and antimony. And to create colored crystal used various additives for red :, - added cadmium or gold compounds to pink - silicon for blue - cobalt. Green makes copper oxide crystal, and exquisite purple manganese oxides give.
Once upon a time the Marquise de Pompadour - patron of the arts - founded in France, in Sevres, crystal royal workshops. Since then, the well-known firm produces high-quality products, but a special pride for them is color crystal unusual colors: pearl gray, amethyst, blue.
In addition to color, crystal products become refined look with the help of additional processing. For example, when etching hydrofluoric acid. First, the product is covered by a special acid-resistant resin tracing paper, on which a pattern is then " pattern " carefully removed without damaging it, a vase or a glass dipped in a solution of acid, which etches the unprotected surface of the resin, making them dull and slightly rough. So there on the walls of crystal products superfine openwork " frosting ". Achieve a similar effect, causing drawing hand diamond cutter.
Due to the special technology of crystallization during the molding process, a master can achieve an accurate picture crystal facets, which then after grinding acquire special luster. Cut crystal, refracting light, creates special iridescent glow. This effect is used in the production of crystal lamps and chandeliers, lamps illuminated from the inside, these lamps provide sparkling light " spray ". A matte bronze or gold-plated chandeliers and sconces of the give them dignity and grace.
Crystal chandelier, recreated by old sketches, like a true aristocrat in your home will create a situation of antique luxury and beauty.

A bra made famous Venetian craftsmen on the island of Murano, which has long been famous for its high-quality products made of glass and crystal, surrounded by sparkling like pieces of ice, through which shines gold " spark. Refined products Murano have earned worldwide fame.

But in modern crystal lamps is not only used as pendants and lampshades, looks very original lamp in crystal pedestal-stand. Due to its transparency, it seems that the lamp is floating in the air, and a drop-suspension and gilding give it elegance.

Crystal products in accordance with the fashion trends change their appearance and well-known designer brands today are experimenting with crystal, creating nothing on similar things. For example, the famous French company for the production of glass and crystal " Daum ", which cooperated famous artists (just to name Salvador Dali) among the new products released this year, a mini-sculpture of a female hand from crystal. But the designers of the fashion house Versace created a wine set, called " ". Medusa It smooth lines matte embossed pattern, and the smoothness of the flat faces is harmoniously combined with solidity and massiveness included in a set of objects.

In recent years, it is changing not only the appearance of crystal products, but also the ways of their processing and the products themselves acquire new, relevant forms. So with the growing popularity of minimalist , the decor has become more reserved and purchased forms " streamlined " and soft curves. Vases and candlesticks with " fluid " plastic shape decorated with modern interiors laconic.

And a relatively recent invention, but have gained popularity - crystal rhinestones. They are used for finishing of small sculptures and decorative accessories, picture frames and boxes. For example, a set of frames from the firm of Swarovski, which openwork gold-plated metal combined with crystal shiny rhinestones.

And rhinestones decorating the wine set, create the effect of frozen water droplets on a shiny surface of silver-plated metal. In addition to transparent, in this set, and used colored crystal fashion pale pink hue.

Traditional in shape and handling are now complemented by crystal figurines and bronze stand. The combination of heavy metal and transparent " weightless " crystal creates an unusual artistic effect.
Made of crystal and elegant perfume bottles, and kits for bathrooms, but anywhere in the house or used crystal - everywhere he brings to the interior of the holiday mood.