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    Larry and chests: the furniture of the past or the future?

    LARRY and chests: FURNITURE past or the future?
    Cache, in contrast to the chest - European. And, although in fact, a chest and a chest is almost no different: both - a container in the form of a box with a lid for storage, national characteristics they do exist. Coffers were more utilitarian in nature, they were used for storing and transporting things. Particular attention was paid to the strength, not decorating. When the trunk was used as furniture (beds, benches), he tried to cover the canvas or homespun carpet.
    Cache is different from the trunk increased attention to the decor. So laris, or rather fragments of chests found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, were decorated with inlaid mother of pearl and turquoise.
    And in ancient Rome GEL Cassoni, they were called the Florentine GEL were the most common furniture in the house. They are decorated with carvings and paintings. Such well-known Italian artists like Botticelli is not considered shameful to cover himself painting the walls of home chests. Italian lari- " kassapanki " We had a back and armrests and is already a prototype of the sofa.
    Cache basic furniture was back in ancient Greece, but the Greeks, gave little importance to the luxury home, professing the cult of physical beauty and health. In contrast to the public buildings, the Greeks decorated their homes is much less.
    In medieval Europe, chests and trunks were also essential furnishings like knights in castles, and in the homes of citizens. They served as tables, benches and beds. First GEL is hollowed out of a single piece of wood, much later were made of individual panels, fastened together with nails, and for greater strength studded chest outside the iron bars. Medieval wooden chests and trunks were decorated with little, can only be a small bronze plates: ruined internecine wars in Europe were not up to luxury.
    Establish themselves in the castles of Gothic style had an impact on the appearance of the chest: it is now the front panel cover heraldic carved bas-reliefs, images of animals and hunting scenes of chivalry. It then became the chest to form new kinds of furniture. Often they are placed on each other - so there was the prototype of the cabinet, and deep chests to reach the bottom of which was a challenge got sliding bottom drawer - it has already appeared dresser.
    Development of a chest went in two directions: upward, as the transition to the cabinet and downward - small caskets served as a purse, were indispensable for storing jewelry, stationery, and on the road were just the most necessary thing. Further reduce, it became casket chest, which is not only intended for the storage of small things, but also to decorate the house.
    Wooden caskets road soon for the convenience of transportation began to make flat and called the suitcases. And made of soft materials - leather and fabric, caskets degenerated into suitcases and trunks.
    By creating such a large variety of furniture and household items, boxes and chests had gone away into the shadows, to become for a while anachronistic and were evicted in storage. Only in the village houses chests for a long time continued to store clothes large family or to save the bride's dowry.
    And now, the word " box " or " bin " Many will recall local history museum exhibits or part of the situation can be seen in the film of the rural life of the last century. Few lucky to see " live " Grandma's old trunk, which contained " ", treasure grandchildren available only in the presence of the grandmother, and their retrieval and viewing turns into a fascinating story, almost a fairy tale about her grandmother's youth, which was hard to believe.
    Fortunately, fashion is transient - known designers now believe that the time-brac-night passes, and it is desirable that the pieces of furniture that make your interior had its own history. This does not mean that it is necessary in the situation to use only antiques, of course, be great if in the living space of your home there are items related to several generations of your family, keep its traditions and lifestyle, such as this wonderful decorated with silver linings wooden chest. Traces of time, not only do not spoil it, give a certain charm. This chest can become " twist " Interior even certain style elements of modern apartment.
    But if these things do not stay in your home, or they do not suit you, you can create the interior of the new furniture or things avant-garde in design and decor which used fresh designer finds, but, more importantly, to the thing itself was recognizable, " had roots " .
    So now more and more modern things borrow elements of ancient life. Come back in a city apartment chests and caskets, occupying influential positions lost earlier. But now they are instead a purely utilitarian function of clothing storage and perform a decorative role, giving the shelter a unique flavor. These newly discovered antiques put in the living room, using as a coffee table or just as unusual decorative objects. For example, wooden chest with bronze inlays methods generally give the interior a luxurious feel.
    Those bronze inlay and delicate translucent figure in a complicated ornament on a red textured skin will make the chest elegant decoration boudoir.
    And covered with fine oriental hand woven carpets - kilim, large chest will be a central decorative element of your wooden country house, setting a certain tone in the selection of its environment.
    Bright red wooden chest with a bronze butterfly - is not a bedside table in the bedroom?
    If you prefer popular now in oriental style interiors, the two red a chest, painted and lacquered dragon - a real boon for you. Eastern color room, where the place of honor located lartsovaya the composition is provided in advance.
    Not quite usual, but rather not traditional in the form of chest or casket studded with a soft silk fabric, with brushes instead of pens will be an original repository of various little things in your bedroom, and its unusual design and high thin legs - the stand, surely will draw attention to this furniture as if originating from remote past of a medieval castle, for example.
    Fans minimalist like a braided trunk. The lack of decoration in it, like " shows " the beauty of shapes and natural materials from which it is made.
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