Furniture and interior / | Fashion on the chest of drawers |
Fashion on the chest
Chests appeared for the first time thanks to an increase in the chests. To reach the bottom of a deep chest had him put to a bench or do the bottom drawer. It was he who became a revolutionary step towards the birth chest. Just appeared, this piece of furniture has been appreciated for their functionality. This is evidenced by the very name: French " commode " - Means " comfortable ".
But the real heyday popularity falls between Rococo - the first half of the XVIII century. Then a chest of drawers became not so much a repository of things and a mandatory attribute parade interiors. Chest changes form: from uncomplicated rectangular pot-bellied it becomes pompous (so-called Chests bombe) and extremely smart. The walls were covered with boxes and its inlays, bronze and gold overlays, color paintings. Chest of its elegance began to resemble candy or bonbonniere bright casket.

In the entire history of its existence, chest of drawers, depending on age and country " living " It is substantially modified, sometimes getting quite an unusual appearance. That he was a modest and practical " chest bachelor " a lowly finish, optional compartment for pens and a folding board, through which he turned into a secretary. And then becoming almost architectural structure fronted with a complex curved shape, painted panels and drawers high legs. This option is high, as if risen " on tiptoe " chest of drawers was first created by British artists, but there is some reason did not catch on, but it has become very popular in America.

The Victorian era has left us a legacy elegant furniture covered with white paint. Dresser also not lagged behind the fashion: this pompous Englishman under the white paint was covered with carvings and even simulating architectural moldings in the form of flower garlands and intricate vignettes.

A practical, the French were the authors of a narrow chest, successfully entered in any corners and piers, " stuffed " seven drawers. This creation was intended for the distribution of linen and clothes by day of week and was named " ". seminer Over time, device modified, chest of drawers and took on a more convenient form for the hosts and new features. For example, decreasing in size, but increasing in quantity, drawers now stored collectibles: coins, medals and a variety of things for needlework. The chest of drawers to store collections took on the boxes being locked mortise locks. A reverse process - elimination of drawers and shelves replacing them - has led to the emergence of the cabinet, it is successfully pretend to be trendy " seminerom ".

The era of military campaigns of Napoleon was reflected in the design of the dresser. There was his marching option which could be decomposed into two separately shipped a box, chest legs with the unscrewed from its base and did not interfere with shipping. This dresser was different almost spartan modesty. But, appearing once as a portable version of the camp, a chest of drawers for his unassuming appearance and severe " manliness " It has become quite popular, and after the war fights caught on in the offices of retirees hosts. Over time, he stopped decomposed and no longer subjected to transport, so that lost some of the design features (unscrewed legs, collapsible housing), while maintaining the noble laconic furniture for real men. And the tenderness of fresh flowers and transparent fragility glass vase on it only highlight these wonderful qualities of his.

During the general enthusiasm Chinese and Japanese elegant things, the emergence of European interiors screens, mother of pearl boxes, low furniture and silk embroidered fabrics, chest of drawers could not change for the sake of existing fashion. Chinese chest of drawers covered with dark varnish, decorated with bamboo and fine paintings - a stranger just because of the time.

Modern of the last century, became popular again in our days. This style has returned to its natural wood color and natural design, making them part of the decor, and the outlines of furniture gives aristocracy, removing unnecessary pretentiousness. Sleek smooth surfaces curved lines, soft glow of bronze fittings - all characteristic features drawers, aged in this style. As an example, ennobled " paunchy " bombe chest of drawers under the influence of Art Nouveau. A semi-circular glass chest of drawers storefronts on either side acquires an additional charm, not only because of its streamlined shape, but also due to the decorative motif of wood resembling a complex and subtle pattern.

Moroccan motifs, which are increasingly turning Modern designers can bring to your house a small chest of drawers, inlaid with mother of pearl. It rigor of colors in the style of the home of the nomadic Berbers organically combined with the richness of ornament and the skill of its execution.

Lovers of classical interiors and antiques may like a locker, made according to old designs. It not only saved but even thread bronze edging, once gave him soundly strength. Such decorate a locker room or dining room presentable.

Convenient and practical, beautiful and self-sufficient, lockers are returned to our homes, and deservedly they occupy a place of honor.