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    Decorative Clock

    Clock - decorative or necessary thing?  

    Once upon a time people lived without the idea of ​​transience and irrevocability of time. But carelessness ended when someone invented the clockwork. Who should we be grateful for the eternal rush and chasing elusive time is unknown. According to one legend - these were the ubiquitous Chinese, on the other - they are ahead of the Arabs, who first brought the clock and in Europe. According to legend, the Arab Caliph gave them Charlemagne, but the gift is not appreciated and Europe for some time lived in blissful ignorance hours and minutes.
    However, in the XIII century, the monks of Magdeburg built a tower with a clock and ignore the time it was impossible: this fashionable novelty began to appear on all the Town Hall Europe. The first hours were not quite the clock: they are not repelled time and published hissing, from which the city would wake up bell ringer and now he's the ringing of a bell.
    Only at the end of the XVII century there is a sufficiently accurate clock mechanism, to which the pendulum invented himself Galilley.
    The first clock for home began to produce the master in Nuremberg, then it is time to " Albion ", retains priority in the watch the next two centuries. French master Louis Breguet invented the mechanism, reduce errors during transport: the clock was to carry with you. But from the middle of the XIX century and to this day recognized hour " master " Switzerland is.
    Fashion styles of architecture and decoration affects the clearance hours. For example, the clock in the style of " rococo " We had the body of gilded bronze, decorated with garlands of flowers, chubby cherubs and figures shepherdesses. But Napoleon's Egyptian expedition were reflected in the decor appearance hours sphinxes and winged lions.
    In addition to the variety in the finishing, and hours vary in size. The first hours in the homes were floor, had a wooden hull. But the contours of them resembled the tall towers, decorated with architectural extravagances: all kinds of carvings, columns, carved reliefs and sculptures. The clock was an expensive thing, were put in a house in a place of honor, and to be inherited. Floor clocks in England are called " grandfather's ".
    These clocks in the respective country or retro-interiors still look very harmonious, and if you like the style of an English cottage, the grandfather clock will be a perfect complement to it.
    Mantel clocks appeared after floor, but look more elegant. They now put on the mantelpiece, and selected in accordance with the overall style of the room decor and the fireplace. To make clocks and soon became famous jewelry houses such as Faberge. Hours becomes a real work of art in their design includes porcelain, marble, colored enamel, gold and precious stones. They do a variety of figures or recurring architectural structures, for example, Chinese pagodas.
    The tradition of clock - works of jewelry art - continues today company Swarovski. Elegant clock in the form of an elephant, decorated with gold and precious stones, and the elephant and patterned blanket on his back covered with bright colored enamel. Watch called " English Garden ", also decorated with gold leaf, and " fruit ", covered with colored enamel: pears, cherries and grapes.
    If clocks - it's still more than a decorative accessory in the interior or piece of jewelry, it is a separate kind of clock - desk, required a very precise mechanism and, as a rule, did not have a pretentious chassis design. They could be a floor, strict enforcement, in the case of precious wood with a minimum of decoration, but have traditionally had a pendulum and a beautiful solid " voice " - the battle. Armchair desk clock also had a minimum of decoration, as a rule, a little simple carving and gilding on a background of polished wood. Such a clock made in 1860 and having its own name " ", Franklin could stand on the desk, secretary or a desk at a respectable owner of a large house.
    Modern desk clock look different, they are comfortable and naturally side by side with modern office equipment. On them you can determine not only the time and date, but also the current time in different cities around the world.
    A clock with a rotating chrome casing and concise stylish design to complement home and office, and office worker.
    It is a separate category of hours - wall. They can take many guises, depending on where the hanging. If this is the clock for the child, then they are usually bright, with housing made of plastic in the form of funny little animals. Clock or timer for the bathroom or sauna must first be leakproof and withstand high temperatures and the presence of steam.
    Watch for the kitchen, hallway, bedroom, living room or dining room selected style of interior room. They may have a simple functional form, be deprived of additional decoration, if intended for a room in the minimalist style.
    A can be refined decor in a housing made of expensive wood, carvings, fine ornament and pearl finishes, if the clock hanging on the wall of the living room or the dining room in a classical style. Harmonizing with silver monograms wallpaper, they will become a real decoration of the walls, attracts the eye.
    Standing on the nightstand or table near the mirror in the bedroom, elegant and small clock in silver casing will be given the presence in the house of a woman with a delicate taste.
    And in the room of your grown-up child digital watch from the CD-player will also be very appropriate. Electronic versions hours, a relatively recent invention of mankind, have become increasingly popular, especially in children: do not need to worry, and to translate the " raiway " digital time.
    Watches in our house - a necessary thing, and even though they count every minute of the transience of life, without them we no longer live in such a rapid, full of things, events, and cares of our time.
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