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    Custom interior decor

    We already gave advice on decorating homes. Let us try to give a few tips for lovers of non-standard options. Perhaps they will not be for you a guide to action, but to inspire creativity.
    How to create an unusual situation? It would seem that there are now a variety of styles, options of furniture, all kinds of patterns and textures of textiles for the home, a large number of accessories that can be assembled and set on its own taste that can satisfy all the desires and requests. But there are always people who want to make their home there was something original and memorable, which gives housing individuality. Very often - it's the nature of people endowed with imagination, ordinary people and striving to demonstrate the originality. There is nothing reprehensible in this endeavor is not, moreover, if all created the interior of his house on certain models, it would probably be boring. Period standard housing with the standard furnishings and furniture, thank God, belong to the past and our children already struggling to believe in the " irony " our parents.
    So for fans of unconventional solutions, consider some unusual choices decorative housing.
    For example, very few people in the head will make conventional wooden mannequin sculpture, " Venus de Milo " in a modern interior. Its unobtrusive design gives it a true work of art available only fantasy genius. On the one hand sculpture catches the eye and is stored, on the other - it makes it a closer look closely, see a subtle pattern, how to create it " garment ".
    Custom interior decor
    Such a work of art requires an appropriate environment, it becomes a kind of forming the interior part. These fit sofas with armrests made of wood, embroidered pillows in the same colors, carpet with intricate designs, and do not forget the golden painting on the wall. All together creates an environment in antique with a touch of bohemian style. Your home will be transformed into the home of French painter of the last century.
    You can, of course, and try to paint themselves mannequin plastic acid colors, becoming for a time the artist or designer clothes by fabric. Such " artwork " can decorate shocking interior room for a teenager to become a school or a cold spot in the bedroom if the rest of the environment of the furniture and fabrics match the original and bold decor you created " flower dummy ".
    Custom interior decor
    A bright spot of color in the interior can become models of sailing ships or aircraft, for example. In this case your hobby of collecting models can successfully contribute to the beautification of the situation office, library or other rooms. It should only remember that too many of these decorations transform the house into a museum or a section of the circle model aircraft.
    Custom interior decor
    And you can arrange a home installation. In this case, is where carousing fancy.
    Custom interior decor
    This artistic design is quite possible to carry out improvised, assume plastic or plexiglass plate which is mounted on a base frame, a cube of light, for example, aluminum parts. It would seem that nothing special: three large cubes, painted " zebra " set on each other, as well as the avant-garde, this design will look at the background, even the most ordinary interior. By the way, you can think of coloring in accordance with the colors of your environment. This installation will decorate an empty corner of the newlyweds in the apartment, and if you do cubes of bright plastic - the original design will be colored spots in the nursery.
    This option is suitable housing decorations, and those who want to make the situation in certain artistic element, but the real work of the eminent master funds is not enough. And do not be ashamed of things made by hand. There was a time when almost all the decorations in the house and clothes, we have done ourselves, and even proud of it. And then " Samodelov " It became a symbol of poverty, which was made to hide. But a work of art after all, even the most famous wizard, Create manually, and bought in art salon thing might not be better to make your own. Moreover, the pick of paint under the existing interior is much easier than finding a ready-made thing desired color.
    And now several options for lovers of fine jewelry. They will surely enjoy openwork metal insert, reinforced in the doorway. Low-key, with a delicate floral pattern forged parts in brushed bronze talk about the good artistic taste of the owners.
    Custom interior decor
    A similar impression was left, and the trio of dolls on supports. This decoration will take its rightful place on the dresser in the bedroom or living room. Elegant doll is directed upwards thin candles, bring to the interior a note of tenderness, vulnerability and fragility.
    Custom interior decor
    Successful and can serve as a luxurious decor and curtains on the window, but it should not be entirely normal. For example, a large stole or blanket of fine silks, embroidered or painted with the finest ornament in oriental style. Against the background of a juicy tone walls, this improvised curtains wins even more. Imagine that it is not in its place, or simply hanging out quality, but a monochromatic fabric and luxurious interior will become a solid, but ordinary. There are things in the environment that are like crystal shoes of Cinderella transform ordinary space into a masterpiece.
    Custom interior decor
    Do not be afraid to experiment, and who knows, you may be able to create with the help of non-traditional decorating techniques is something special. Anyway, a bright personality to your home will be provided.
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