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      Today we introduce you with options for the design of windows that offer Western designers. Each original and unique. And each can serve as a viable alternative to the banal curtains.   Layer " cake " from...
      All the more fashionable and prestigious becomes recently glass furniture. Glass - clean, natural material does not obstruct light in the room, making the interior more " transparent ", easy and delicious. Its use -...
    In the modern interior to store books are often used lightweight construction, racks and shelves. They increasingly play the role of decorative windows, where they find their place and all the other little things, there...
      In modern design there are several types of options plan kitchen - single-line, corner, U-shaped, and " island ". The latter is a plan in which the working area - ceramic hob, extractor, and sometimes...
      Facades just a beautiful shape, bright wrapper that hides the contents of the kitchen. Procedure on it depends largely on how to organize the interior of the cabinets and drawers. The architecture of a modern...
    Recently, designers began to seriously consider an aquarium as a full part of the interior of the home. Besides the fact that the aquarium - a unique form of entertainment, enjoyable hobby, it becomes...
      Unfortunately, not everyone has a summer residence. Yes, and many gardeners do not have the possibility to live a long time in the country. It should, for example, every day to go to work,...
      The curtains on the windows - the one final touch, without which even in the luxuriously furnished and harmonious home will not feel complete comfort. By their design, we are always anxious picky. For curtains,...
    The design of modern kitchen sets are so varied that in the selection is even in some confusion. Glittering plastic and chrome, frosted glass, lights, rich color palette, a variety of finishes, custom layout -...
    Furnished our cuisine with a modern twist, it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of this as a bar. It creates a special mood of the holiday, looseness and informality, quite organically fits into...
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