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    Expansion of the list of works that fall under the self-regulation in the design and construction

    At present, a large number of organizations involved in the construction, which for its operation have a special license for the implementation of construction projects with the activities issued by the authority of the Federal Licensing Center, as well as many design organization, functioning on the basis of a special license to design these activities, are experiencing some confusion. The reason is rooted in the fact that the new classifier - " A list of types of work " - The above activities do not fall into the category of those types of work for the implementation of which requires the " admission to the construction work ", issued SRO, that is the self-regulatory organization. What is the way out of the situation?

    Changes in the existing now List

    On the possible ways out of the situation repeatedly mentioned in the media, as well as relevant executive bodies . During all this, the question was raised about the urgent need to expand the list of works that fall under the category of self-regulation in the construction industry and in the design, as well as the corresponding amendments to the existing list, which will enable organizations engaged in providing these services to get access to the construction works .

    So, for example, designers of the Primorsky Territory proposal was made out to completely revise this list with a view to return to the previously used by the Authority of the Federal Licensing Center classifiers that have been used in the issuance of the appropriate licenses. However, most likely, return to the previous qualifiers will not, but predicted some changes in the functioning now Schedule: Expectations of changes justified, as, otherwise, the function of the general designer, general contractor and the customer-builder will simply cease to fall under the scope of regulation that, in turn, negatively affect the construction industry.

    Moreover, it is planned that in the near future will be made the following changes:
    1. Construction work low-rise buildings before the delisting will be returned there again, and this means that their implementation will require access to construction work.
    2. It is predicted the bill on SRO construction of low-rise projects. It is expected that the law will take into account the characteristics associated with the regulation of the activities of construction companies involved in the construction of low-rise buildings, which often represent small and medium businesses. However, if the organizations involved low-rise construction, can not have the status of self-regulatory organizations, as well as the construction of low-rise facilities fall under the category of self-regulation in the construction industry, it is predicted that small and medium businesses may suffer tension.
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