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    Design and construction of the shopping center - what to look for?

    Before building any object, especially such a large and versatile as a shopping center, of course, the need to develop his project. The design of the shopping center has a variety of features. The basis of the project are the shopping area. Do not forget about the technical requirements for the operators of the entertainment – necessary complement each shopping center is a recreation room, attractions, cafes, etc. Therefore for a successful project requires the joint efforts of many specialists – marketers, engineers, designers, planners, traders themselves. It should be taken into account and planning visitor flows, and the creation of favorable conditions for them and tenants shopping areas must be easy to use, and the costs of use of the building must comply with the functions they perform. In addition, the shopping center should be safe, responsible for this self-regulatory organizations in the field of fire safety.

    It is important to the design stage, such as architectural and technological, preceded by several preparatory steps. This site selection, analysis of the territory, the definition of the composition of goods and services, the list of tenants. Next is the building on the selected area and determining a suitable position relative to the local infrastructure. After that, you should determine how many floors will be designed in the mall, which is an area on which areas to spend how many square meters. Designers will take the appearance of a variety of shopping areas and the appearance of actually building. As a result of these steps, a concept of the shopping center. It will be great if the project is to harmonize the building with potential tenants. Next, the construction of shopping complex account of the recommendations of marketing research.

    Actually, architectural and technological areas should take into account several features. It is necessary to take into account the compulsory attendance of retail space, affordable ways to provide lift to the upper floors. The shops - « magnets » and rental space must be properly positioned relative to each other. Planning should be comfortable for large tenants – you must have warehouses and residential use. Do not forget about such a necessary subject as vast parking near the shopping center, as well as the availability of public transport. The facade of the building should be designed taking into account the places to advertise. Interior design – One of the important tasks of planning and construction of a shopping center. It should contain guidance on the construction materials, as well as its technology. The solution of the problem of working with light and color as the provision of a comfortable, not flashy colors domestic premises, and vice versa, highlighting of retail space, which should definitely be seen. It is necessary to make the light focused on the location of the goods in order to make them more visible. Creating a navigation system with a view to ease of orientation also included in function designers.

    The company, which takes on the responsibility for the construction of the shopping center should conduct the construction in accordance with the applicable regulations. The documents should be fully ready in time. Quality should be high, as well as control over the construction. And only then will the shopping center will be popular among different segments of the population and will pay back the money invested in the design and construction.

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