Building materials / | Wallpaper for walls |
Wallpaper for walls , perhaps, the most accessible, cheapest and easiest way to make the house comfortable. Of all the interior decoration means they play a major role. It is only necessary to buy gototovy supplied in rolls of material and the right to paste over the wall. And comfort, uniqueness spaces provide. Today we tell about it material, without which few who can do the repair at home.
Until the 18th century in Europe walls and ceilings are upholstered exclusively cloth here and gone and their name - wallpaper. However, with the development of papermaking fabric wallpaper were driven by cheaper paper and eventually became one of the most popular and common materials. But modern technology did not pass this area: long gained popularity with PVC wallpaper and textiles, non-woven materials. Most of them receive a final form by printing the picture wallpaper. Technical development of printing machines, application of modern technologies, ways of printing has given unprecedented in beauty and richness range. Patterned and without a pattern, solid-color and multicolored, different width and density, “ story ” – today they can meet all the aesthetic and quality requirements. Buying wallpaper, you are likely to note the color, layout designs and patterns produced by overall emotional impact. Think about how the selected Color harmony with the general situation at home and the individual elements of the interior. Still, nice to know more and method of production, the structure of the wallpaper, because that is what determines their performance and durability.
There are three basic kind of wallpaper : normal, moisture-proof and sound-absorbing (Pile).
Normal wallpaper can be:
negruntovanny (figure print directly on white or colored paper),
primed (figure applied to pre-painted surface of the paper),
background (no picture, monochromatic matte painting),
embossed (with relief protruding pattern).

primed (figure applied to pre-painted surface of the paper),
background (no picture, monochromatic matte painting),
embossed (with relief protruding pattern).
washable wallpaper are:
- Printed, manufactured in the paint with the addition of water-resistant polymers; printed with a protective film on the front side, formed by polymer emulsions and varnishes;
- Obtained by applying a thin colored polymer film on a paper basis, followed by embossing;
- In the form of a polymer groundless opaque film with a printed design.
- Obtained by applying a thin colored polymer film on a paper basis, followed by embossing;
- In the form of a polymer groundless opaque film with a printed design.
Such withstand repeated washing with warm soapy water and have increased resistance to abrasion, therefore they are called washable.
Sound-absorbing wallpaper are made on paper from the front surface formed pile of different fiber materials (mainly textile production waste). Cleaning the surface of the sound-absorbing wallpaper is made vacuum cleaner.
On the materials used Backgrounds are also divided into several types.
Paper wallpaper made only of paper. When she single-layer, the wallpaper have a very good lightfastness. However, their lack is that they are loose and transparent. These wallpapers require a particularly good surface preparation wall before pasting. If it is a wallpaper of a two-layer paper, their obverse side, keeping the light fastness, and provides the required opacity.

Embossed wallpaper are printed on paper without wood, and then paper-lining in the working process Kashira and deformed. Application of adhesive does not deform them, After drying, they retain their old structure and size, do not give a “ shrinkage ”.

Compact vinyl wallpaper. The main material used in their production – Paper of varying density, coated with a layer of PVC. Interleaved paper exposed gravure printing, and then - a heat treatment. On the base material is patterned and paints which do not form a relief. Vinyl wallpaper are very durable coating for walls and at the same time on the appearance meet the highest requirements.

Embossed wallpaper on the fibrous carrier. For manufacturing has a new single-sided waterproof carrier material. It consists of long-fiber pulp, textile fibers and polymer binders. Waterproof, washable wallpaper of this material are ideal for bathrooms. Their distinguishing feature - is that they are well passed steam and air, successfully covered with camouflage cracks on the walls and stabilizruyut soft undercoat. Monochrome embossed wallpaper perfectly suited for further staining colors.
Granular wallpaper are made using relatively new technologies. In a two-layer delaminate paper through the press glue is applied, followed by dispersion granules, forming a picture. Between the deep and screen printing installed corrugation pattern, which makes printing cloth appearance.
Structural and profile wallpaper. is stratified two-layer paper specifically Prepare a foam paste. Get white wallpaper, wallpaper coarse-fibered, with shtuktarnoy or tissue structure. They can be multicolored, different resistance to contamination.
Besides these types of wallpaper are more mats, mats, wallpaper from natural material, metallic wallpaper, wallpaper in the form of wall paintings (eg, landscape), acrylic. Here the choice of the owner of the premises, and better - for a guest designer.
Buying wallpaper, look for the series. Series shall be designated by the same serial stamp manufacturing. Sam stamp, listed on the product label, must be free to read. Picture Wallpaper should be clearly visible through the transparent packaging. When buying make sure the wallpaper purchased will be enough. If it turned out that the number of rolls bought lacking, then the additional purchase is necessary to pay attention to the lot number, to avoid different tones. Their edges must be adequately protected from damage during transport. If they adhered handled in a special way, it should be provided with special instructions. All information on pasting the room, use of glue, fit the picture try to get at the store where the purchase was made.
When choosing, consider also the illumination and the dimensions of the room. It should be based on generally accepted rules: avoid large and bright images in small rooms, and in dimly lit rooms - dark tones.
Good Wallpaper should be resistant to various detergents, resistant in wet processing and mechanical influences. It is also important to tone and texture not found themselves in glaring contradiction with the general style and spirit conditions and other elements of design. You do well to entrust the choice of wallpaper professionals.