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    Wallpaper for painting and their varieties. How to glue paintable wallpaper


    Wallpaper for painting and their varieties. How to glue paintable wallpaper On the market today there is a whole group of wallpaper with deep embossed patterns, which does not have multi-colored pattern. This wallpaper got an interesting name — paintable wallpaper or structural. Due to the fact that such wallpaper is enough practical and are located in the affordable price range, they are very popular.

    Varieties wallpaper under tint

    It produces several kinds of wallpaper for painting. Among them are particularly in demand fiberglass, nonwoven , Paper and vinyl wallpaper for painting . They are, in essence, are completely different wallpaper, because during their production using different materials in certain combinations. These wallpapers have their advantages and disadvantages and in common — they can many times to paint and repaint. Typically this is done using the dispersion paint, in particular water based paints. In the sale of paintable wallpaper mostly come with white, that is unpainted. Color wallpapers are rare and tend to have a warm pastel colors. They may be pale green, yellow, cream, blue and pink. The presence of a colored background after staining helps to get an unusual hue. Colored wallpaper can be applied without further staining.

    Wallpaper for painting and their varieties. How to glue paintable wallpaper paper

    Paper wallpaper suitable for any surface that is not aligned. They usually double-layer, and are identical to the known   duplex, but have a greater thickness and density. These products are impregnated with a special water-repellent composition, which allows them after repeated staining retain water resistance. An interesting variety of wallpapers — coarse fiber paintable wallpaper . Their relief surface is obtained not by conventional stamping and putting wood chips between the smooth layers of the coating and substrate. Wood chips are waste wood processing. Its dimensions are determined by the structure of the surface of the wallpaper. This wallpaper can be used for decoration of the walls and ceiling of the room, allowing you to get a feel for a seamless surface.

    How to glue paintable wallpaper?

    Simple enough! They have a particular pattern, so there is no need for fitting the edges. The adhesive is applied to a sheet of wallpaper, it is applied to the surface and pressed down with a roller. Kant is cut with a knife or spatula. Subsequent sheets are pasted back to back. Places overlay cut with a sharp knife. Apply the paint with paint rollers.

    Non-woven wallpaper for painting

    Fleece is a cloth made of compacted segments of fiber. It is structurally characterized by a high density and is used as a basis for the manufacture of wallpaper. On the basis through a stencil with a pattern is sprayed foam vinyl in a variety of reliefs. Non-woven characterized by excellent camouflaging properties, in particular, smooth out imperfections and hide the cracks. Their glue is much easier than paper, because this wallpaper is not stretched, not swells and « sit ». In addition, the glue spread on the wall that allows you to accurately adjust the band. In addition, there is an economy of glue and work goes much more fun.

    Experts recommend the use of non-woven wallpaper in the new houses, the walls of which a few years « shrink », which leads to the appearance of irregularities and cracks. Non-woven wallpaper based in this case is the present rescue — They do not rush, keep the crack and prevent them to go further. However, they have one drawback — It must be handled very carefully, because the terrain can be easily damaged. Paint for painting wallpaper in this case will help to strengthen the upper layer. Non-woven wallpaper rolls burn and tear as well as others. A special strength, resistance to abrasion and moisture, they acquire only after stickers and coloring.

    Glass fiber

    Production of fiberglass for painting is carried out on a completely different technology. It is composed of fiberglass yarns which are produced from silica sand, limestone, dolomite and soda. During the production of the coating is connected with the paper-based to provide material of different structure and density, which has beautiful reliefs, textures and patterns.

    Glass fiber characterized by many valuable qualities, among which it is worth noting smartness and ability to hide minor imperfections on the surface. The glass is treated to improve the fire safety impregnated, composed of manufacturing companies was not disclosed.

    Glass fiber produced two types of — smooth and textured. Interwoven strands simulates various drawings   and texture. This may be a « mat », « diamonds », « herringbone », « spider » and others. The wall surface before applying fiberglass wallpaper, it is recommended to cover the latex primer, having a neutral color. Material attached to the walls with special glue and then painted water-dispersion paints.

    The main advantage of fiberglass — exceptional durability and strength that allows them to be used successfully in homes, offices, hotels and other public areas. They are glued simply as non-woven and paper, tear off the wall but they will be difficult.

    Features wallpaper for painting

    Structural paintable wallpaper is mainly produced by foreign manufacturers. Sizes vary from standard rolls of wallpaper. They have a greater length, which allows economical use of materials and nearly eliminate the formation of cuttings and a large width, which reduces the number of joints. Rolls of large size, with a length of more than one meter, are used mainly in industrial and office buildings or in homes with high ceilings.

    Before pasting wallpaper, any surface need good otshpaklevat, plaster should not crumble, and the surface should be firm and dry. Bonded cloth, so as not to damage the texture, rolled soft roller and brush. It is important to carefully fluff wallpaper glue edge, otherwise joints can separate. Clay choose the one that is recommended manufacturing company.

    Paint Wallpaper for painting

    Paint Wallpaper should be water-dispersion paints. Painting is selected depending on how you want to look surface. It may be matte or silky. Paint for painting wallpaper determines whether the wallpaper washable or not. Most of these wallpapers can withstand five to fifteen layers of paint while maintaining its water resistance. However, professionals advised not to get carried away and not to paint the wallpaper for more than ten times. So choose your favorite wallpaper by painting the room and create your favorite style and design.

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