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    Methods wall decoration cloth

    Cloth - a material versatile in its use. Its flexibility, mobility, ability to take almost any form can create fantastic images. Sheathe the walls with a cloth - not a new idea. Fabric lining appeared much earlier than conventional paper wallpaper and wandered from epoch to epoch, from style to style: Classicism, Baroque, Empire, modern, minimalist. Despite its long-standing history, textile wallpaper always look extraordinary, almost innovatively. Especially with the advent of new technologies trim, new fabrics, new design ideas. Today we introduce you to the three most common ways " dressing " walls.
    Pasting textile wallpaper . Previously, up to 80-ies of XX century, the word " textile " It applies only to the spinning-weaving products. Now the so called all products produced from the fibers and filaments. In addition to actually Fabrics considered knitted and nonwoven fabrics. In the manufacture of wallpaper with a textile coating use a variety of fibers and yarns of vegetable, animal and synthetic origin, sometimes in combination with each other.
    The main advantage of all the textile wallpaper , which, in particular, due to their high price - good looks. Also walls covered with them, at first glance indistinguishable from upholstered: the seams between the paintings are almost invisible. Textile wallpaper need a perfectly flat surface, or of any defect in the wall reflected on the cover. Therefore, before starting work, remove all the walls, align them, and plastered shpaklyuyut. In contrast to the thin paper wallpaper, these are not glued lap and butt. Procedure complicated: paintings dense and heavy, they need to make sure that they only touch each other without leaving gaps and gaps. This should give the impression of continuous plane. Since the fabric - the material is quite capricious, working with them requires special virtuosity layman is difficult to perfectly carry out all operations. Cost textile wallpaper ranges from $ 8 to $ 80 per sq.m. Specialist services costing $ 5 per 1 sq. m.

    Not so long ago on the domestic market began to offer the method of wall hangings seamless textile wallpaper, on a fundamentally different method of fixing. It also rolls, but huge in height from 2.8 to 3.1 m. The first shot frames the doorway. Then the roll of fabric mounted in a corner and begin unwinding horizontally room as it is wrapped with a cloth. The fabric is stretched around the perimeter of the room parallel to the wall as a canvas on a stretcher. After fixing the canvas carved door and window openings. Matter is not fixed throughout the plane and on the edges. They do it in different ways: by means of adhesive strips, clips, skeletons. Then hung on the door frames and window frames decorated corners. It masks the edge of the fabric and ensure the reliability of its fastening in particularly vulnerable areas. Unlike ordinary textile wallpaper seamless coatings do not require alignment of the walls and surface preparation, furthermore, all the defects themselves camouflage. Their cost - from $ 30 per 1 square meter.
    The best-known suppliers of drapery fabrics: Mermet (France), Colony, Gross Feirenze, Arteco, Frantelli Sangiorgio (Italy), Bekaert Textiles (Belgium).
    There is another very interesting and ancient technique - fabric panel. It is of French origin (from the word boiserie - " wood paneling "). The frame, covered with a cloth, mounted on a wall or ceiling, covering them in part or in its entirety. The very size and proportions of the frame range. Fabric panels can also serve as a kind of a wall, dividing the space. In a modern interior, this technique is becoming more widely used. Firms Angello Cappelini, Mazzali, Colombo Stile, Giemmi, Belloni, Bucalossi, Nello Arreda, Forni Mobil (Italy), Interlubke, Behr (Germany) designing and completing them on an individual order. In these cases, manufacturers turn to buaseri textile factory, pick up and test tissue. Pleasure is not cheap.
    Buaseri variety of colors - from plain to a completely unpredictable. Often there are motifs and wallpaper coating: vertical stripes, diagonal lines - in short, rhythmic, habitual eye classic illustration. But other interiors require alternative solutions. Thus, in the minimalist designs are applied thick coarse cloth, usually plain, deliberately gloomy. But traditional masters prefer fine fabrics that are easy to pull. Most often it is silk. Studded silk fragments of walls give the interior a special glamor and warmth, echoing or upholstery or curtains on the windows - that is, with textiles. The classic interior, where the principle of saving space is not respected, the wall panels are left open. In the modern interior, they often serve for mounting of shelves, drawers, sometimes decorated with lamps or paintings.
    For the convenience of the consumer manufacturers typically produce catalogs wallpaper. Each directory represents a certain style and direction. Basically it is a classic and modern. Collections are designed in such a way that has chosen to wallpaper frieze recommended Frieze, fabrics for curtains, upholstery, bedspreads and decorative pillows. The same style and color scheme provide a harmonious combination of all elements of the interior with minimal time and effort. Last time for finishing the walls become increasingly popular decorative combination of several textures or patterns. You can draw a wall with vertical, horizontal or diagonal zoning, combining different wallpaper pattern and color saturation, and contrast, or nyuansnye web. With the help of tissue are also psevdozerkala or decorative panels. At the same time the junction of various paintings drawn border, decorative cord or molding - decorative bars made of plaster or polyurethane.
    According to the invoice selection is also quite wide: traditional silk, linen, wool, cotton. Come into fashion and fabric rough textures such as canvas, and various synthetic fabrics. There coverings reminiscent of jacquard fabrics. You can select a soft silky velor plain wallpaper with a velvety surface. Plush wallpaper particularly popular in the decoration of the nursery. For aesthetes offered viscose non-woven wallpaper in Art Nouveau style. There is still a mat, herringbone, a web of pressed linen thread - and it is only a small fraction of what is offered in the domestic market.
    As we have noted, the fabric wall coverings can be made from natural (flax, cotton, wool, jute, sisal) and artificial (viscose, acetate, polypropylene, polyamide, polyacrylic) fibers. Its advantages are there and those and others. Fabrics made from natural material is endowed with natural beauty and energy. It easily passes through a water vapor, allowing the walls " breathing " (but in areas where fumes too much (kitchen, bathroom), the fabric does not apply. Synthetic fabric more light resistant and tolerant to mechanical damage. It will never turn into a haven for insects, besides the presence of the intermediate bases of foam or padding polyester improves sound insulation premises . Special treatment gives the wallpaper additional advantages: anti-static, fire, moisture protection, resistance to fading. Textiles of all types and techniques can not be used where it can be exposed to abrasion or exposure to water.
    Fabric is able to animate any interior, be it living room, office or bedroom. The process of draping the walls of fast and affordable. But it is better left to professionals. After all, in addition to the invoice, the density and color of the fabric, is taken into account and the appointment of the room lighting, color and design features of the other elements of the interior. Individual approach allows you to create real beauty. The room becomes solemn, bulky, cozy and unique.
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