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    How to hang wallpaper

    Technology wallpapering is not a big deal, but still must comply with several recommendations.

    How to hang wallpaper. Stages wallpapering.

    1. First of all, you need to prepare the wall for gluing: all the cracks and recesses putty. It is also desirable primed wall primer deep penetration.

    2. Traditionally, wallpaper glue start from the window, as otherwise the seams will be visible. The most important cloth when wallpapering will be the first. Make sure that it was pasted perfectly straight. If the fabric is displaced at least nachut bit, subsequent paintings will look crooked. To avoid this, it will be enough to put on the wall of the vertical line and the orientation you will serve the suspension. Measure the distance from the corner to the window, it must be equal to the width of the cloth and minus 15 cm.

    If the room is irregular in shape and small in size, in this case to start wallpapering should be from the largest object in the interior, not the window.  

    3. As soon as wallpaper divided into cloth, and was scheduled your vertical line,   can be applied to the wallpaper glue. To make it convenient, spread the cloth on the floor previously laid out his papers. And only now you can start to spray glue on the wallpaper. To do this, you can use special pasting device, a paint roller or brush flywheel.

    The adhesive is evenly distributed over the entire length. But you should start from the middle of the canvas. If the wallpaper is dense, it is essential that they are well soaked with glue (let them lie down for 10 minutes). Thin wallpaper does not need to be impregnated, so they can be immediately after applying the adhesive applied to the wall. Pay attention not that the edges of panels of wallpaper should be well treated with glue, otherwise they will move away from the wall.        

    4. Just lubricate the glue cloth wallpaper is not enough for good adhesion. The best result would be if you apply the glue on the walls, especially in the corners of the room, at skirting and near the ceiling. But here it is necessary to ensure that the adhesive has been applied to homogeneous smooth layer.

    Now let us in more detail on the nuances of each type of gluing wallpaper.

    How to glue non-woven wallpaper

    There is nothing complicated about that, how to glue non-woven wallpaper .

    Remember that this kind of wallpaper glue is necessary only on a flat and dry surface. The room is finished with wallpaper, the windows must be closed, air conditioning is off.  

    Non-woven must be cut into strips, while leaving extra length   10 cm. The peculiarity of this type of glueing wallpaper is that glue must be applied directly to the wall rather than on the reverse side of the wallpaper. An important advantage of non-woven wallpaper that when gluing is not necessary to maintain the time that in other cases it may be necessary to impregnate.

    Wallpaper glue best angle. Attach each painting non-woven wallpaper from the top down, smoothing the special wallpaper brush in the vertical direction. You do not need to press too, and make sure to keep the joints.

    The edges of the fabric should be carefully plaster glue. Make sure that the glue did not get to the front of the non-woven wallpaper. If all of a sudden it's still going to happen, immediately remove it with a clean damp sponge, then wipe with a dry cloth.

    vinyl wallpaper glue

    How to glue vinyl wallpaper ? It will also not be easy. But it must comply with certain rules:

    1. To vinyl wallpaper is necessary to select a special glue for heavy wallpapers. Although this type of wallpaper consists of dense material that is capable of hide minor flaws and surface irregularities, yet better prepare pre-wall: clear, putty, apply a primer.

    2. With a roller apply glue to fabric wallpaper and leave for a few minutes for the impregnation. Then it is already possible to start wallpapering. The upper edge of the wallpaper press the edge of the ceiling and pull down the canvas, leaving   2-4 cm for trimming.

    3.   Using a special brush, smooth the vinyl wallpaper in the direction from the center of each leaf.

    4. After you will paste 3 or 4 strips of wallpaper sure, not whether they were formed blisters. If so, they can be gently poke a needle to displace the air, press firmly. Make trimming the bottom.

    How to glue the paper wall

    1. Prepare the wall for stick: Remove old wallpaper, paint, whitewash. If after treatment the walls were cracked, they must be plastered and primed. Prime the liquid can be wallpaper paste.
    2. The next phase of – correctly measure the first piece of wallpaper. This can be done using the level or plumb (in the event that the wall is not very smooth). A subsequent strip vymeryat on the front page.
    3. On the cut strip of wallpaper, apply a normal wallpaper paste from the center to the edges. Once you have done the glue on the wallpaper, fabric must be folded in half and wait a bit (3-5 min.).
    4. Paper wallpaper is better to stick to the joint seam, the seams are invisible. Impregnated adhesive wallpaper straighten the wall roller or cloth.          

    How to glue wallpaper corners

    Wallpaper glue corners in the room overhead, but also a very important point, because of how well it is made, depending – whether further wrinkle wallpaper in the corners or not.  

    Paper wallcoverings corners need to glue the two webs so that they cover overlapping each other by 1 cm. No need to use the whole web, because the wallpaper in the corner can move away from the wall.

    Attach the canvas so that it sets the nearest wall of 3-4 cm. The angle should be pressed hard sponge. If you kleite dense wallpaper, it is necessary to use a plumb line. The remaining piece of stick with an overlap on the adjacent wall. Try wallpapering maximize vertically.


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